Welcome to Oz HOG Melbourne Chapter
We are a family oriented club who are passionate about owning and riding Harley Davidson motorcycles and socialising with like minded people.
We have a mix of chapter organised rides every month, ranging from short to long rides with some overnight and even long weekends away.
Several times a year we also ride interstate to H.O.G. rallies where we represent our chapter.
Our chapter rides are organised by our dedicated team of road captains with an emphasis on safe riding and having fun.
Catch up with us at one of our Social Satdy’s held at Harley Heaven Melbourne.
About Us
Who is OZ HOG?
Well, very simply, we are the Melbourne Chapter of the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.)
Our chapter was established in 1988 (Registered 1 July 1988).
Not only are we the first registered chapter in Australia but also the first outside of North America (USA & Canada) hence the Oz in our name.
We are proudly sponsored by Harley Heaven Melbourne, located at 445 Spencer Street (corner Spencer and Dudley St), West Melbourne.
Harley Heaven also gives our members a generous 10% discount on all Harley Davidson genuine parts, accessories & motor clothes.
Monthly chapter rides are on the first Sunday of each month, with chapter meetings held on the following Thursday (except January).
We have an active Ladies of Harley & Activities Officer keeping us entertained with social activities.
For more information, feel free to contact us.
Ride Safe and Have Fun.
Our Sponsoring Dealer
Harley Heaven Melbourne
Established in 1982, Harley-Heaven, is your
experienced and trusted Harley Davidson Motorcycle retailer focused
upon delivering an exceptional customer experience and
a life long engagement with the Harley Davidson brand.